Mediation Services

Two hands in the sunlight

Mediation Services

Two adults with a counselor

Mediation is a process in which a neutral person assists others in resolving their own conflicts. The parties entering the process of mediation must sincerely intend to resolve their issues through mediation. By mediating, they are able to avoid for themselves and their children the bitterness and frustration which often accompany court proceedings. The parties intend to create through mediation an agreement that settles the major issues of child custody and/or parenting time. This agreement represents the interests of both parties, and is fair to both parties and their children. The mediation process can be requested by individual parties or they may be court ordered to attend mediation. Mediation services most often are asked to assist parties in resolving issues of divorce, custody or parenting time.

Mediation services can also include but are not limited to assisting in:

  1. Business conflicts
  2. Relationship conflicts
  3. Conflicts in the school setting
  4. Premarital conflicts
  5. Court ordered mediation PDF DOWNLOAD FORM.

Appointment Inquiries

Phone: 810.513.0040 | Email: | Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 4:30pm